Run As Script

CodeEntropy can also be run as a script for more advanced operations.

1. Loading data

First you should load the data into an MDanalysis universe. For this code, MDanalysis must be able to read dihedral and force directly from the trajectory files See MDAnalysis Format Overview for more information.

import MDAnalysis as mda
tprfile = "data/1AKI_ws_60.tpr"
trrfile = "data/1AKI_ws_60.trr"
u = mda.Universe(tprfile, trrfile)

Non-standard file

You may be able to load non standard file by turning the force data into an array and create a new universe by combining the force and trajectory data.

import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.analysis.base import AnalysisFromFunction
from MDAnalysis.coordinates.memory import MemoryReader

topo_file = "data/molecules.prmtop"
traj_file = "data/"
## remember to edit the format so that the header is "id mass x y z" otherwise MDAnalysis won't load the data due to checks by LAMMPS parser
force_file = "data/"
# loading data into individual universe
main = mda.Universe(topo_file, traj_file, atom_style='id type x y z' ,format="LAMMPSDUMP")
force = mda.Universe(topo_file, force_file, atom_style='id type x y z' ,format="LAMMPSDUMP")
# selection for accessing values
# the 'all' can be replaced by other selection string for
select_atom = main.select_atoms('all')
select_atom_force = force.select_atoms('all')
# loading values from universe
# this is done by generating a tuple from AnalysisFromFunction to traverse through the entire data and loading the selected data into a tuple
coordinates = AnalysisFromFunction(lambda ag: ag.positions.copy(), select_atom).run().results['timeseries']
forces = AnalysisFromFunction(lambda ag: ag.positions.copy(), select_atom_force).run().results['timeseries']
## dimension is also required for poseidon analysis
dimensions = AnalysisFromFunction(lambda ag: ag.dimensions.copy(), select_atom).run().results['timeseries']
# create a new universe
u2 = mda.Merge(select_atom)
# loading trajectory data using MemoryReader from tuples, the system is not in memory
u2.load_new(coordinates, format=MemoryReader, forces=forces, dimensions=dimensions)

2a. Solute Analysis

To start solute analysis, you must load your data into the solute data container but you may want to trim the data using CodeEntropy.IO.MDAUniverseHelper functions.

from CodeEntropy.ClassCollection import DataContainer as DC
from CodeEntropy.IO import MDAUniverseHelper as MDAHelper
start = 0
end = 21
step = 2
reduced_frame = MDAHelper.new_U_select_frame(u,  start, end, step)
selection_string = "protein"
reduced_atom = MDAHelper.new_U_select_atom(reduced_frame, selection_string)

dataContainer = DC.DataContainer(reduced_atom)

You can now calculate entropy at different levels with the following function using information from the dataContainer

from CodeEntropy.FunctionCollection import EntropyFunctions as EF
tScale = 1.0
fScale = 1.0
temper = 300.0 #K
axis_list = ['C', 'CA', 'N']
outfile = 'outfile.out'
# Whole molecule level
wm_entropyFF, wm_entropyTT = EF.compute_entropy_whole_molecule_level(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_selector = "protein",
    arg_moutFile = 'WholeMolecule_matrix.out',
    arg_nmdFile = 'WholeMolecule_mode_spectra.out',
    arg_fScale = fScale,
    arg_tScale = tScale,
    arg_temper = temper,
    arg_verbose = 5

#residue level
res_entropyFF, res_entropyTT = EF.compute_entropy_residue_level(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_selector = 'all',
    arg_moutFile = 'ResidueLevel_matrix.out',
    arg_nmdFile = 'ResidueLevel_mode_spectra.out',
    arg_fScale = fScale,
    arg_tScale = tScale,
    arg_temper = temper,
    arg_verbose = 5,
    arg_axis_list = axis_list,

#United atom level
UA_entropyFF, UA_entropyTT, res_df = EF.compute_entropy_UA_level(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_selector = 'all',
    arg_moutFile = 'AtomLevel_matrix.out',
    arg_nmdFile = 'AtomLevel_mode_spectra.out',
    arg_fScale = fScale,
    arg_tScale = tScale,
    arg_temper = temper,
    arg_verbose = 1,
    arg_axis_list = axis_list,
    arg_csv_out= 'AtomLevel_bead_entropy.csv',
UA_entropyFF, UA_entropyTT, res_df = EF.compute_entropy_UA_level_multiprocess(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_selector = 'all',
    arg_moutFile = 'AtomLevel_matrix.out',
    arg_nmdFile = 'AtomLevel_mode_spectra.out',
    arg_fScale = fScale,
    arg_tScale = tScale,
    arg_temper = temper,
    arg_verbose = 1,
    arg_csv_out= 'AtomLevel_bead_entropy.csv',
    arg_axis_list = axis_list,
    arg_thread= 4,

#Topographical Level
result_entropy0_SC = EntropyFunctions.compute_topographical_entropy0_SC(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_selector = "all",
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_verbose = 5

print(f"result_entropy0_SC = {result_entropy0_SC}")

result_entropy0_BB = EntropyFunctions.compute_topographical_entropy0_BB(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_selector = "all",
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_verbose = 5

print(f"result_entropy0_BB = {result_entropy0_BB}")

result_entropy1_SC = EntropyFunctions.compute_topographical_entropy1_SC(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_selector = "all",
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_verbose = 5

print(f"result_entropy1_SC= {result_entropy1_SC}")

result_entropy1_BB = EntropyFunctions.compute_topographical_entropy1_BB(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_selector = "all",
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_verbose = 5
print(f"result_entropy1_BB= {result_entropy1_BB}")

result_entropyAEM = EntropyFunctions.compute_topographical_entropy_AEM(
    arg_hostDataContainer = dataContainer,
    arg_selector = "all",
    arg_outFile = outfile,
    arg_verbose = 5

print(f"result_entropyAEM = {result_entropyAEM}")

2b. Solvent Analysis

To run solvent analysis you must load the data into the poseidon object

poseidon_object = Poseidon(container=main, start=0, end=10, water=('SOL',), excludedResnames=("CL",), verbose=False)

After that, add the level/ analysis you want to run to the level_list arguments and run with run_analysis. There are 4 levels ['moleculeLevel', 'residLevel_resname', 'atomLevel', 'soluteContacts']

poseidon_object.run_analysis(level_list=['moleculeLevel', 'residLevel_resname', 'atomLevel', 'soluteContacts'], verbose=False)